Choose One from the menu below for a 6 pack budle deal for $12.00
Select a variety pack deal for $15.00
Gut-Peppermint Ginger Honey Lemon Chia Seed Marshmallow Root Slippery Elm
Energy - Beets Ginseng Rhodiola Rosea Ashwagandha
Immunity Orange Grapfruit Pepermint Goldenseal Yerba Sante Yarrow Echinacea
Vitamin -Wheatgrass Green Apple Lemon Burdock Root
Skin - Papaya Sweet Potatoe Biotin Collagen Rosemary Nettle
Inflamation/Pain - Cherry Black Peper Cheyenne Turmeric/Optional infusion CBD/THCA Kratom
We can also formulate to target YOUR specific concerns at request,Lets chat
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